Working with molecular scaffolds¶
fuzzy_scaffolding(mols, enforce_subs=None, n_atom_cuttoff=8, additional_templates=None, ignore_non_ring=False, mcs_params=None)
Generate fuzzy scaffold with enforceable group that needs to appear in the core, forcing to keep the full side chain if required.
NOTE(hadim): consider parallelize this (if possible). NOTE(hadim): consider refactoring this function in smaller reusable functions.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mols |
List[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol] |
List of all molecules |
required |
enforce_subs |
List[str] |
List of substructure to enforce on the scaffold. |
None |
n_atom_cuttoff |
int |
Minimum number of atom a core should have. |
8 |
additional_templates |
List[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol] |
Additional template to use to generate scaffolds. |
None |
ignore_non_ring |
bool |
Whether to ignore atom no in murcko ring system, even if they are in the framework. |
False |
mcs_params |
Dict[Any, Any] |
Arguments of MCS algorithm. |
None |
Type | Description |
Source code in datamol/scaffold/
def fuzzy_scaffolding(
mols: List[Chem.rdchem.Mol],
enforce_subs: List[str] = None,
n_atom_cuttoff: int = 8,
additional_templates: List[Chem.rdchem.Mol] = None,
ignore_non_ring: bool = False,
mcs_params: Dict[Any, Any] = None,
"""Generate fuzzy scaffold with enforceable group that needs to appear
in the core, forcing to keep the full side chain if required.
NOTE(hadim): consider parallelize this (if possible).
NOTE(hadim): consider refactoring this function in smaller reusable functions.
mols: List of all molecules
enforce_subs: List of substructure to enforce on the scaffold.
n_atom_cuttoff: Minimum number of atom a core should have.
additional_templates: Additional template to use to generate scaffolds.
ignore_non_ring: Whether to ignore atom no in murcko ring system, even if they are in the framework.
mcs_params: Arguments of MCS algorithm.
- `set` - `scaffolds` - All found scaffolds in the molecules as valid smiles.
- `Dict[Dict]` - `scaffold_infos` - Infos on the scaffold mapping, ignoring any side chain that had
to be enforced. Key corresponds to generic scaffold smiles
Values at ['smarts'] corresponds to smarts representation of the true scaffold (from MCS)
Values at ['mols'] corresponds to list of molecules matching the scaffold
- `Dict[List]` - `scaffold_to_group` - Map between each generic scaffold and the R-groups decomposition row.
if enforce_subs is None:
enforce_subs = []
if additional_templates is None:
additional_templates = []
if mcs_params is None:
mcs_params = {}
rg_params = rdRGroupDecomposition.RGroupDecompositionParameters()
rg_params.removeAllHydrogenRGroups = True
rg_params.removeHydrogensPostMatch = True
rg_params.alignment = rdRGroupDecomposition.RGroupCoreAlignment.MCS
rg_params.matchingStrategy = rdRGroupDecomposition.RGroupMatching.Exhaustive
rg_params.rgroupLabelling = rdRGroupDecomposition.RGroupLabelling.AtomMap
rg_params.labels = rdRGroupDecomposition.RGroupLabels.AtomIndexLabels
core_query_param = AdjustQueryParameters()
core_query_param.makeDummiesQueries = True
core_query_param.adjustDegree = False
core_query_param.makeBondsGeneric = True
# group molecules by they generic Murcko scaffold, allowing
# side chain that contains cycle (might be a bad idea)
scf2infos = collections.defaultdict(dict)
scf2groups = {}
all_scaffolds = set([])
for m in mols:
generic_m = MurckoScaffold.MakeScaffoldGeneric(m)
scf = MurckoScaffold.GetScaffoldForMol(m)
scf = MurckoScaffold.MakeScaffoldGeneric(scf)
if ignore_non_ring:
rw_scf = Chem.RWMol(scf)
atms = [a.GetIdx() for a in rw_scf.GetAtoms() if not a.IsInRing()]
for a in atms:
scfs = list(rdmolops.GetMolFrags(rw_scf, asMols=False))
scfs = [dm.to_smiles(scf)]
# add templates mols if exists:
for tmp in additional_templates:
tmp = dm.to_mol(tmp)
tmp_scf = MurckoScaffold.MakeScaffoldGeneric(tmp)
if generic_m.HasSubstructMatch(tmp_scf):
for scf in scfs:
if scf2infos[scf].get("mols"):
scf2infos[scf]["mols"] = [m]
for scf in scf2infos:
# cheat by adding murcko as last mol always
popout = False
mols = scf2infos[scf]["mols"]
if len(mols) < 2:
mols = mols + [MurckoScaffold.GetScaffoldForMol(mols[0])]
popout = True
# compute the MCS of the cluster
mcs = rdFMCS.FindMCS(
mcsM = Chem.MolFromSmarts(mcs.smartsString)
if mcsM.GetNumAtoms() < n_atom_cuttoff:
scf2infos[scf]["smarts"] = dm.to_smarts(mcsM)
if popout:
mols = mols[:-1]
core_groups = []
# generate rgroups based on the mcs core
success_mols = []
rg = rdRGroupDecomposition.RGroupDecomposition(mcsM, rg_params)
for i, analog in enumerate(mols):
res = rg.Add(analog)
if not (res < 0):
core_groups = rg.GetRGroupsAsRows()
except Exception:
mols = [mols[i] for i in success_mols]
scf2groups[scf] = core_groups
for mol, gp in zip(mols, core_groups):
core = gp["Core"]
acceptable_groups = [
for a in core.GetAtoms()
if (a.GetAtomMapNum() and not a.IsInRing())
rgroups = [gp[f"R{k}"] for k in acceptable_groups if f"R{k}" in gp.keys()]
if enforce_subs:
rgroups = [
for rgp in rgroups
if not any([len(rgp.GetSubstructMatch(frag)) > 0 for frag in enforce_subs])
scaff = trim_side_chain(mol, AdjustQueryProperties(core, core_query_param), rgroups)
return all_scaffolds, scf2infos, scf2groups
trim_side_chain(mol, core, unwanted_side_chains)
Trim list of side chain from a molecule.
Source code in datamol/scaffold/
def trim_side_chain(mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol, core, unwanted_side_chains):
"""Trim list of side chain from a molecule."""
mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)
match = mol.GetSubstructMatch(core)
map2idx = {}
map2nei = {}
unwanted2map = {}
for patt in unwanted_side_chains:
unwanted2map[patt] = [a.GetAtomMapNum() for a in patt.GetAtoms() if a.GetAtomMapNum()]
unwanted_mapping = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(unwanted2map.values()))
for atom in core.GetAtoms():
num = atom.GetAtomMapNum()
if num and num in unwanted_mapping:
mol_atom_idx = match[atom.GetIdx()]
map2idx[mol_atom_idx] = num
nei_atoms = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(mol_atom_idx).GetNeighbors()
map2nei[mol_atom_idx] = [n.GetIdx() for n in nei_atoms if n.GetIdx() in match]
emol = Chem.EditableMol(mol)
for atom_idx, atom_map in map2idx.items():
dummy = Chem.rdchem.Atom("*")
nei_idx = map2nei.get(atom_idx, [None])[0]
if nei_idx:
bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(atom_idx, nei_idx)
emol.RemoveBond(atom_idx, nei_idx)
new_ind = emol.AddAtom(dummy)
emol.AddBond(nei_idx, new_ind, bond.GetBondType())
mol = emol.GetMol()
mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol)
query_param = AdjustQueryParameters()
query_param.makeDummiesQueries = False
query_param.adjustDegree = False
query_param.aromatizeIfPossible = True
for patt, _ in unwanted2map.items():
cur_frag = dm.fix_mol(patt)
mol = Chem.DeleteSubstructs(mol, cur_frag, onlyFrags=True)
return dm.keep_largest_fragment(mol)