Perform edit actions on molecules¶
add_bond_between(mol, a1, a2, bond_type, sanitize=True)
Add a new bond between atom
Source code in datamol/actions/
def add_bond_between(
mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
a1: Union[int, Chem.rdchem.Atom],
a2: Union[int, Chem.rdchem.Atom],
bond_type: Chem.rdchem.BondType,
sanitize: bool = True,
"""Add a new bond between atom"""
if isinstance(a1, Chem.rdchem.Atom):
a1 = a1.GetIdx()
if isinstance(a2, Chem.rdchem.Atom):
a2 = a2.GetIdx()
emol = Chem.EditableMol(dm.copy_mol(mol))
emol.AddBond(a1, a2, bond_type)
if sanitize:
return dm.sanitize_mol(emol.GetMol())
return emol.GetMol()
all_atom_add(mol, atom_types=['C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Cl', 'Br'], asMols=True, max_num_action=inf, **kwargs)
Add a new atom on the mol, by considering all bond type
.. warning:: This is computationally expensive
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol |
required | |
atom_types |
list List of atom symbol to use as replacement (Default: ["C", "N", "O", "F", "Cl", "Br"]) |
['C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'Cl', 'Br'] |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return output as molecule or smiles |
True |
max_num_action |
float, optional Maximum number of action to reduce complexity |
inf |
Type | Description |
All possible molecules with one additional atom added |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_atom_add(
atom_types=["C", "N", "O", "F", "Cl", "Br"],
"""Add a new atom on the mol, by considering all bond type
.. warning::
This is computationally expensive
mol: <Chem.Mol>
Input molecule
atom_types: list
List of atom symbol to use as replacement
(Default: ["C", "N", "O", "F", "Cl", "Br"])
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return output as molecule or smiles
max_num_action: float, optional
Maximum number of action to reduce complexity
All possible molecules with one additional atom added
new_mols = []
stop = False
with dm.without_rdkit_log():
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
if stop:
if atom.GetImplicitValence() == 0:
for atom_symb in atom_types:
emol = Chem.RWMol(mol)
new_index = emol.AddAtom(Chem.Atom(atom_symb))
new_mols.extend(all_atom_join(emol, atom, emol.GetMol().GetAtomWithIdx(new_index)))
if len(new_mols) > max_num_action:
stop = True
new_mols = [dm.sanitize_mol(mol) for mol in new_mols]
new_mols = [mol for mol in new_mols if mol is not None]
if not asMols:
return [dm.to_smiles(x) for x in new_mols if x]
return new_mols
all_atom_replace(mol, atom_types=None, asMols=True, max_num_action=inf, **kwargs)
Replace all non-hydrogen atoms by other possibilities.
.. warning:: This is computationally expensive
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol |
required | |
atom_types |
list List of atom symbol to use as replacement (Default: ['C', 'N', 'S', 'O']) |
None |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return output as molecule or smiles |
True |
max_num_action |
float, optional Maximum number of action to reduce complexity |
inf |
Type | Description |
All possible molecules with atoms replaced |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_atom_replace(
"""Replace all non-hydrogen atoms by other possibilities.
.. warning::
This is computationally expensive
mol: <Chem.Mol>
Input molecule
atom_types: list
List of atom symbol to use as replacement
(Default: ['C', 'N', 'S', 'O'])
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return output as molecule or smiles
max_num_action: float, optional
Maximum number of action to reduce complexity
All possible molecules with atoms replaced
if atom_types is None:
atom_types = ["C", "N", "S", "O"]
new_mols = []
stop = False
with dm.without_rdkit_log():
for atom in mol.GetAtoms():
if stop:
if atom.GetAtomicNum() > 1:
for atom_symb in atom_types:
emol = Chem.RWMol(mol)
emol.ReplaceAtom(atom.GetIdx(), Chem.Atom(atom_symb))
if len(new_mols) > max_num_action:
stop = True
# Sanitize and remove bad molecules
new_mols = [dm.sanitize_mol(mol) for mol in new_mols]
new_mols = [mol for mol in new_mols if mol is not None]
if not asMols: # Return SMILES
return [dm.to_smiles(x) for x in new_mols]
return new_mols
all_bond_add(mol, allowed_ring_sizes=None, bond_between_rings=True, asMols=True, max_num_action=inf, **kwargs)
Add bond to a molecule
.. warning:: This is computationally expensive
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol |
required | |
allowed_ring_sizes |
list, optional Set of integer allowed ring sizes; used to remove some actions that would create rings with disallowed sizes. |
None |
bond_between_rings |
bool, optional Whether to allow actions that add bonds between atoms that are both in rings. |
True |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return output as molecule or smiles |
True |
max_num_action |
float, optional Maximum number of action to reduce complexity |
inf |
Type | Description |
All possible molecules with additional bond added between atoms |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_bond_add(
"""Add bond to a molecule
.. warning::
This is computationally expensive
mol: <Chem.Mol>
Input molecule
allowed_ring_sizes: list, optional
Set of integer allowed ring sizes; used to remove some
actions that would create rings with disallowed sizes.
bond_between_rings: bool, optional
Whether to allow actions that add bonds
between atoms that are both in rings.
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return output as molecule or smiles
max_num_action: float, optional
Maximum number of action to reduce complexity
All possible molecules with additional bond added between atoms
new_mols = []
num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms()
stop = False
for i1 in range(num_atoms):
if stop:
a1 = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i1)
if a1.GetImplicitValence() == 0:
for i2 in range(i1 + 1, num_atoms):
a2 = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(i2)
# Chem.rdmolops.GetShortestPath(mol, i1, i2)
all_paths = get_all_path_between(mol, i1, i2, ignore_cycle_basis=True)
all_path_len = {len(path) for path in all_paths}
if a2.GetImplicitValence() == 0:
# no bond between atoms already in rings
bond = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i1, i2)
if not bond_between_rings and a1.IsInRing() and a2.IsInRing():
# no bond to form large rings
if (
(bond is None)
and (allowed_ring_sizes is not None)
and not all_path_len.issubset(allowed_ring_sizes)
new_mols.extend(all_atom_join(mol, a1, a2))
if len(new_mols) > max_num_action:
stop = True
if not asMols:
return list({dm.to_smiles(x) for x in new_mols if x})
return [m for m in new_mols if m is not None]
all_bond_remove(mol, as_mol=True, allow_bond_decrease=True, allow_atom_trim=True, max_num_action=inf)
Remove bonds from a molecule
This can be computationally expensive.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol |
Mol |
Input molecule |
required |
allow_bond_decrease |
bool |
Allow decreasing bond type in addition to bond cut |
True |
max_num_action |
Maximum number of action to reduce complexity |
inf |
allow_atom_trim |
bool |
Allow bond removal even when it results in dm.SINGLE_BOND |
True |
Type | Description |
All possible molecules from removing bonds |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_bond_remove(
mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
as_mol: bool = True,
allow_bond_decrease: bool = True,
allow_atom_trim: bool = True,
"""Remove bonds from a molecule
This can be computationally expensive.
mol: Input molecule
allow_bond_decrease: Allow decreasing bond type in addition to bond cut
max_num_action: Maximum number of action to reduce complexity
allow_atom_trim: Allow bond removal even when it results in dm.SINGLE_BOND
All possible molecules from removing bonds
new_mols = []
Chem.Kekulize(mol, clearAromaticFlags=True)
for bond in mol.GetBonds():
if len(new_mols) > max_num_action:
original_bond_type = bond.GetBondType()
emol = Chem.RWMol(mol)
emol.RemoveBond(bond.GetBeginAtomIdx(), bond.GetEndAtomIdx())
new_mol = dm.sanitize_mol(emol.GetMol())
if not new_mol:
frag_list = list(rdmolops.GetMolFrags(new_mol, asMols=True))
has_single_atom = any([x.GetNumAtoms() < 2 for x in frag_list])
if not has_single_atom or allow_atom_trim:
if allow_bond_decrease:
if original_bond_type in [dm.DOUBLE_BOND, dm.TRIPLE_BOND]:
new_mol = update_bond(mol, bond, dm.SINGLE_BOND)
if new_mol is not None:
new_mols.extend(list(rdmolops.GetMolFrags(new_mol, asMols=True)))
if original_bond_type == dm.TRIPLE_BOND:
new_mol = update_bond(mol, bond, dm.DOUBLE_BOND)
if new_mol is not None:
new_mols.extend(list(rdmolops.GetMolFrags(new_mol, asMols=True)))
new_mols = [mol for mol in new_mols if mol is not None]
if not as_mol:
return [dm.to_smiles(x) for x in new_mols if x]
return new_mols
all_fragment_assemble(fragmentlist, max_num_action=inf, asMols=True, seen=None)
Assemble a set of fragment into a new molecule
.. warning:: This is computationally expensive
Name | Type | Description | Default |
fragmentlist |
list List of blocks to use for replacement, or addition to molparent |
required |
max_num_action |
float, optional Maximum number of action to reduce complexity. No limit by default |
inf |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return smiles or mols |
True |
seen |
list, optional List of initial molecules |
None |
Type | Description |
reconstructed molecules |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_fragment_assemble(
"""Assemble a set of fragment into a new molecule
.. warning::
This is computationally expensive
fragmentlist: list
List of blocks to use for replacement, or addition to molparent
max_num_action: float, optional
Maximum number of action to reduce complexity. No limit by default
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return smiles or mols
seen: list, optional
List of initial molecules
reconstructed molecules
mols = []
for m in dm.fragment.assemble_fragment_order(
if len(mols) > max_num_action:
if not asMols:
mols = [dm.to_smiles(x) for x in mols if x is not None]
return mols
all_fragment_attach(mol, fragmentlist, bond_between_rings=True, max_num_action=10, asMols=True)
List all possible way to attach a list of fragment to a dm.SINGLE_BOND molecule.
.. warning:: This is computationally expensive
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol |
Mol |
Input molecule |
required |
fragmentlist |
List[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol] |
Molecular fragments to attach. |
required |
bond_between_rings |
bool |
Whether to allow bond between two rings atoms |
True |
max_num_action |
int |
Maximum fragment attachment to allow. Reduce time complexity |
10 |
asMols |
bool |
Whether to return output as molecule or smiles |
True |
Type | Description |
All possible molecules resulting from attaching the molecular fragment to the root molecule |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_fragment_attach(
mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
fragmentlist: List[Chem.rdchem.Mol],
bond_between_rings: bool = True,
max_num_action: int = 10,
asMols: bool = True,
"""List all possible way to attach a list of fragment to a dm.SINGLE_BOND molecule.
.. warning::
This is computationally expensive
mol: Input molecule
fragmentlist: Molecular fragments to attach.
bond_between_rings: Whether to allow bond between two rings atoms
max_num_action: Maximum fragment attachment to allow. Reduce time complexity
asMols: Whether to return output as molecule or smiles
All possible molecules resulting from attaching the molecular fragment to the root molecule
fragment_set = set([])
mol_atom_count = mol.GetNumAtoms()
generators = [None] * len(fragmentlist)
empty_generators = np.zeros(len(generators))
while len(fragment_set) < max_num_action and not np.all(empty_generators):
for i, fragment in enumerate(fragmentlist):
if len(fragment_set) >= max_num_action:
if generators[i] is None:
generators[i] = compute_fragment_join(
mol, fragment, mol_atom_count, bond_between_rings, asMols
if not empty_generators[i]:
except StopIteration as e:
empty_generators[i] = 1
return fragment_set
all_fragment_on_bond(mol, asMols=False, max_num_action=inf, break_aromatic=True)
Fragment all possible bond in a molecule and return the set of resulting fragments
This is similar to random_bond_cut
, but is not stochastic as it does not return a random fragment
but all the fragments resulting from all potential bond break in the molecule.
.. note:: This will always be a subset of all_bond_remove, the main difference being that all_bond_remove, allow decreasing bond count, while this one will always break a molecule into two.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol |
required | |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return results as mols or smiles |
False |
max_num_action |
float, optional Maximum number of action to reduce complexity |
inf |
break_aromatic |
bool, optional Whether to attempt to break even aromatic bonds (Default: True) |
True |
Type | Description |
set of fragments |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_fragment_on_bond(mol, asMols=False, max_num_action=float("Inf"), break_aromatic=True):
"""Fragment all possible bond in a molecule and return the set of resulting fragments
This is similar to `random_bond_cut`, but is not stochastic as it does not return a random fragment
but all the fragments resulting from all potential bond break in the molecule.
.. note::
This will always be a subset of all_bond_remove, the main difference being that all_bond_remove, allow decreasing
bond count, while this one will always break a molecule into two.
mol: <Chem.Mol>
input molecule
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return results as mols or smiles
max_num_action: float, optional
Maximum number of action to reduce complexity
break_aromatic: bool, optional
Whether to attempt to break even aromatic bonds
(Default: True)
set of fragments
fragment_set = set([])
bonds = list(mol.GetBonds())
stop = False
if bonds:
if break_aromatic:
Chem.Kekulize(mol, clearAromaticFlags=True)
for bond in bonds:
if stop:
if break_aromatic or not bond.GetIsAromatic():
truncate = Chem.FragmentOnBonds(mol, [bond.GetIdx()], addDummies=False)
truncate = dm.sanitize_mol(truncate)
if truncate is not None:
for frag in rdmolops.GetMolFrags(truncate, asMols=True):
frag = dm.sanitize_mol(frag)
if frag:
if not asMols:
frag = dm.to_smiles(frag)
if len(fragment_set) > max_num_action:
stop = True
return fragment_set
all_fragment_update(molparent, fragmentlist, bond_between_rings=True, max_num_action=inf, asMols=False)
Break molecule a molecules into all set of fragment (including the molecule itself). Then enumerate all possible combination with blocks from the fragmentlist. This corresponds to exploring all valid actions by adding/replacing fragments in a molecules.
.. warning:: This is computationally expensive
.. note:: You should perform a valency check after
Name | Type | Description | Default |
molparent |
required | |
fragmentlist |
list List of blocks to use for replacement, or addition to molparent |
required |
bond_between_rings |
bool, optional Whether to allow bond between rings (Default: True) |
True |
max_num_action |
float, optional Maximum number of action to reduce complexity |
inf |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return smiles or mols |
False |
Type | Description |
set of modified mols |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_fragment_update(
Break molecule a molecules into all set of fragment (including the molecule itself).
Then enumerate all possible combination with blocks from the fragmentlist.
This corresponds to exploring all valid actions by adding/replacing fragments in a molecules.
.. warning::
This is computationally expensive
.. note::
You should perform a valency check after
molparent: <Chem.Mol>
input molecule
fragmentlist: list
List of blocks to use for replacement, or addition to molparent
bond_between_rings: bool, optional
Whether to allow bond between rings
(Default: True)
max_num_action: float, optional
Maximum number of action to reduce complexity
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return smiles or mols
set of modified mols
fragment_set = set([])
mol_frags = dm.fragment.anybreak(molparent, remove_parent=False)
for mol in mol_frags:
mol_update = all_fragment_attach(
mol, fragmentlist, bond_between_rings, max_num_action, asMols
if len(fragment_set) > max_num_action:
return list(fragment_set)
all_join_on_attach_point(mol1, mol2)
Join two molecules on all possible attaching point
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol1 |
Mol |
Input molecule 1. |
required |
mol2 |
Mol |
Input molecule 2. |
required |
Type | Description |
iterator of all possible way to attach both molecules from dummy indicators. |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_join_on_attach_point(mol1: Chem.rdchem.Mol, mol2: Chem.rdchem.Mol):
"""Join two molecules on all possible attaching point
mol1: Input molecule 1.
mol2: Input molecule 2.
iterator of all possible way to attach both molecules from dummy indicators.
atom_map_min = 100
mol_idxs = []
count = 0
mod_mols = []
for ind, m in enumerate([mol1, mol2]):
atms = [(a.GetIdx(), a) for a in m.GetAtoms() if not a.IsInRing() and a.GetAtomicNum() == 0]
atms.sort(reverse=True, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
for a_idx, a in atms:
for a_nei in a.GetNeighbors():
a_nei.SetAtomMapNum(atom_map_min + count)
count += 1
mod_mol = dm.fix_mol(m)
[a.GetIdx() for a in mod_mol.GetAtoms() if a.GetAtomMapNum() >= atom_map_min]
for ind1, ind2 in itertools.product(*mol_idxs):
yield random_fragment_add(copy.copy(mod_mols[0]), copy.copy(mod_mols[1]), ind1, ind2)
all_mmpa_assemble(molist, max_num_action=inf, asMols=True, **kwargs)
Enumerate all mmpa assembly of molecules in molist
Name | Type | Description | Default |
molist |
list of |
required |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return smiles or mols |
True |
max_num_action |
int, optional Maximum number of assembly (Default: inf) |
inf |
Type | Description |
res |
list of |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_mmpa_assemble(molist, max_num_action=float("Inf"), asMols=True, **kwargs):
"""Enumerate all mmpa assembly of molecules in molist
molist: list of <Chem.Mol>
List of molecules to fragmente and reconstruct
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return smiles or mols
max_num_action: int, optional
Maximum number of assembly
(Default: inf)
res: list of <Chem.Mol>
Molecules obtained by merging core and side_chains
frags = set([])
cores = []
side_chains = []
for mol in molist:
mol_frag = dm.fragment.mmpa_frag(mol, max_bond_cut=30)
if not mol_frag:
_, mol_frag = map(list, zip(*mol_frag))
for m in mol_frag:
core, sidechain = m.split(".")
cores.append(Chem.MolFromSmiles(core.replace("[*:1]", "[1*]")))
side_chains.append(Chem.MolFromSmiles(sidechain.replace("[*:1]", "[1*]")))
new_mols = _compute_mmpa_assembly(cores, side_chains, max_num_action=max_num_action)
if not asMols:
new_mols = [dm.to_smiles(x) for x in new_mols if x]
return new_mols
all_transform_apply(mol, rxns, max_num_action=inf, asMols=True)
Apply a transformation defined as a reaction from a set of reaction to the input molecule.
The reaction need to be one reactant-only
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol |
required | |
rnxs |
list list of reactions/ reaction smarts |
required |
max_num_action |
int, optional Maximum number of result to return (Default: inf) |
inf |
asMols |
bool, optional Whether to return smiles or mols |
True |
Type | Description |
Products obtained from applying the chemical reactions |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def all_transform_apply(
Apply a transformation defined as a reaction from a set of reaction to the input molecule.
The reaction need to be one reactant-only
mol: <Chem.Mol>
Input molecule
rnxs: list
list of reactions/ reaction smarts
max_num_action: int, optional
Maximum number of result to return
(Default: inf)
asMols: bool, optional
Whether to return smiles or mols
Products obtained from applying the chemical reactions
mols = set([])
with dm.without_rdkit_log():
for rxn in rxns:
if len(mols) >= max_num_action:
if isinstance(rxn, str):
rxn = AllChem.ReactionFromSmarts(rxn)
pcdts = [products[0] for products in rxn.RunReactants([mol])]
pcdts = [dm.sanitize_mol(x) for x in pcdts]
mols.update([dm.to_smiles(x) for x in pcdts if x])
mols = [x for x in mols if x is not None]
if np.isfinite(max_num_action):
mols = mols[:max_num_action]
mols = [dm.to_mol(x) for x in mols]
if not asMols:
mols = [dm.to_smiles(x) for x in mols if x is not None]
return mols
mmpa_fragment_exchange(mol1, mol2, return_all=False, **kwargs)
Perform a fragment exchange between two molecules using mmpa rules
Name | Type | Description | Default |
mol1 |
required | |
mol2 |
required | |
return_all |
bool, optional Whether to return list of all molecules |
False |
Type | Description |
modified_mol1, modified_mol2 Molecules obtained by exchanging fragment between mol1 and mol2. In case of failure, mol1, mol2 are returned |
Source code in datamol/actions/
def mmpa_fragment_exchange(mol1, mol2, return_all=False, **kwargs):
"""Perform a fragment exchange between two molecules using mmpa rules
mol1: <Chem.Mol>
input molecule 1
mol2: <Chem.Mol>
input molecule 1
return_all: bool, optional
Whether to return list of all molecules
modified_mol1, modified_mol2
Molecules obtained by exchanging fragment between mol1 and mol2.
In case of failure, mol1, mol2 are returned
unwanted = [dm.to_smiles(m) for m in [mol1, mol2]] + [None]
res = all_mmpa_assemble([mol1, mol2])
# find unique
res = set([dm.to_smiles(m) for m in res])
res = list(res - set(unwanted))
out = []
for sm in res:
r = None
r = dm.to_mol(sm, sanitize=True)
if r is not None:
if return_all:
return out
out.extend([mol1, mol2])
return out[0], out[1]
update_bond(mol, bond, bond_type, sanitize=True)
Update bond type between atoms
Source code in datamol/actions/
def update_bond(
mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
bond: Union[int, Chem.rdchem.Bond],
bond_type: Chem.rdchem.BondType,
sanitize: bool = True,
"""Update bond type between atoms"""
new_mol = dm.copy_mol(mol)
if isinstance(bond, Chem.rdchem.Bond):
bond = bond.GetIdx()
with dm.without_rdkit_log():
new_bond = new_mol.GetBondWithIdx(bond)
if sanitize:
return dm.sanitize_mol(new_mol)
return new_mol