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Vizualize molecule in 2D or 3D

to_image(mols, legends=None, n_cols=4, use_svg=False, mol_size=(200, 200), highlight_atom=None, highlight_bond=None, outfile=None, max_mols=32, copy=False, indices=False)

Generate an image out of a molecule or a list of molecule.


Name Type Description Default
mols Union[List[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol], rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol]

one or a list of molecules.

legends Union[List[Optional[str]], str]

a string or a list of string as legend for every molecules.

n_cols int

number of molecules per column.

use_svg bool

whether to ouput an SVG (or a PNG).

mol_size Union[Tuple[int, int], int]

a int or a tuple of int defining the size per molecule.

(200, 200)
highlight_atom List[List[int]]

atom to highlight.

highlight_bond List[List[int]]

bonds to highlight.

outfile str

path where to save the image (local or remote path).

max_mols int

the maximum number of molecules to display.

copy bool

whether to copy the molecules or not.

indices bool

Whether to draw the atom indices.

Source code in datamol/viz/
def to_image(
    mols: Union[List[Chem.rdchem.Mol], Chem.rdchem.Mol],
    legends: Union[List[Union[str, None]], str, None] = None,
    n_cols: int = 4,
    use_svg: bool = False,
    mol_size: Union[Tuple[int, int], int] = (200, 200),
    highlight_atom: List[List[int]] = None,
    highlight_bond: List[List[int]] = None,
    outfile: str = None,
    max_mols: int = 32,
    copy: bool = False,
    indices: bool = False,
    """Generate an image out of a molecule or a list of molecule.

        mols: one or a list of molecules.
        legends: a string or a list of string as legend for every molecules.
        n_cols: number of molecules per column.
        use_svg: whether to ouput an SVG (or a PNG).
        mol_size: a int or a tuple of int defining the size per molecule.
        highlight_atom: atom to highlight.
        highlight_bond: bonds to highlight.
        outfile: path where to save the image (local or remote path).
        max_mols: the maximum number of molecules to display.
        copy: whether to copy the molecules or not.
        indices: Whether to draw the atom indices.

    if isinstance(mol_size, int):
        mol_size = (mol_size, mol_size)

    if isinstance(mols, Chem.rdchem.Mol):
        mols = [mols]

    if isinstance(legends, str):
        legends = [legends]

    if copy:
        mols = [dm.copy_mol(mol) for mol in mols]

    if max_mols is not None:
        mols = mols[:max_mols]

        if legends is not None:
            legends = legends[:max_mols]

    if indices is True:
        [dm.atom_indices_to_mol(mol) for mol in mols]

    _highlight_atom = highlight_atom
    if highlight_atom is not None and isinstance(highlight_atom[0], int):
        _highlight_atom = [highlight_atom]

    _highlight_bond = highlight_bond
    if highlight_bond is not None and isinstance(highlight_bond[0], int):
        _highlight_bond = [highlight_bond]

    # Don't make the image bigger than it
    if len(mols) < n_cols:
        n_cols = len(mols)

    image = Draw.MolsToGridImage(

    if outfile is not None:
        with, "wb") as f:
            if use_svg:
                if isinstance(image, str):
                    # in a terminal process
                    # in a jupyter kernel process
                    f.write(  # type: ignore
                if isinstance(image, PIL.PngImagePlugin.PngImageFile):  # type: ignore
                    # in a terminal process
                    # in a jupyter kernel process
                    f.write(  # type: ignore

    return image

conformers(mol, conf_id=-1, n_confs=None, align_conf=True, n_cols=3, sync_views=True, remove_hs=True, width='auto')

Visualize the conformer(s) of a molecule.


Name Type Description Default
mol Mol

a molecule.

conf_id int

The ID of the conformer to show. -1 shows the first conformer. Only works if n_confs is None.

n_confs Union[int, List[int]]

Can be a number of conformers to shows or a list of conformer indices. When None, only the first conformer is displayed. When -1, show all conformers.

align_conf bool

Whether to align conformers together.

n_cols int

Number of columns. Defaults to 3.

sync_views bool

Wether to sync the multiple views.

remove_hs bool

Wether to remove the hydrogens of the conformers.

width str

The width of the returned view. Defaults to "auto".

Source code in datamol/viz/
def conformers(
    mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
    conf_id: int = -1,
    n_confs: Union[int, List[int]] = None,
    align_conf: bool = True,
    n_cols: int = 3,
    sync_views: bool = True,
    remove_hs: bool = True,
    width: str = "auto",
    """Visualize the conformer(s) of a molecule.

        mol: a molecule.
        conf_id: The ID of the conformer to show. -1 shows
            the first conformer. Only works if `n_confs` is None.
        n_confs: Can be a number of conformers
            to shows or a list of conformer indices. When None, only the first
            conformer is displayed. When -1, show all conformers.
        align_conf: Whether to align conformers together.
        n_cols: Number of columns. Defaults to 3.
        sync_views: Wether to sync the multiple views.
        remove_hs: Wether to remove the hydrogens of the conformers.
        width: The width of the returned view. Defaults to "auto".

    widgets = _get_ipywidgets()
    nv = _get_nglview()

    if mol.GetNumConformers() == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "The molecule has 0 conformers. You can generate conformers with `dm.conformers.generate(mol)`."

    # Clone the molecule
    mol = copy.deepcopy(mol)

    if remove_hs:
        mol = Chem.RemoveHs(mol)  # type: ignore
        mol = Chem.AddHs(mol)  # type: ignore

    if n_confs is None:
        return nv.show_rdkit(mol, conf_id=conf_id)

    # If n_confs is int, convert to list of conformer IDs
    if n_confs == -1:
        n_confs = [conf.GetId() for conf in mol.GetConformers()]
    elif isinstance(n_confs, int):
        if n_confs > mol.GetNumConformers():
            n_confs = mol.GetNumConformers()
        n_confs = list(range(n_confs))  # type: ignore

    if align_conf:
        rdMolAlign.AlignMolConformers(mol, confIds=n_confs)

    # Get number of rows
    n_rows = len(n_confs) // n_cols
    n_rows += 1 if (len(n_confs) % n_cols) > 0 else 0

    # Create a grid
    grid = widgets.GridspecLayout(n_rows, n_cols)  # type: ignore

    # Create and add views to the grid.
    widget_coords = itertools.product(range(n_rows), range(n_cols))
    views = []
    for i, (conf_id, (x, y)) in enumerate(zip(n_confs, widget_coords)):
        view = nv.show_rdkit(mol, conf_id=conf_id)
        view.layout.width = width
        view.layout.align_self = "stretch"
        grid[x, y] = view

    # Sync views
    if sync_views:
        for view in views:

    return grid

Specific plotting functions


__init__(self, center_mol, circle_mols, legend=None, mol_size=(200, 200), circle_margin=50, act_mapper=None) special

Show molecules in concentric rings, with one molecule at the center


Name Type Description Default
center_mol Mol

Molecule at center

circle_mols List[List[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol]]

List of molecule for each concentric circle around the center mol

mol_size Tuple[int, int]

Tuple of width and height for each molecule

(200, 200)
circle_margin int

Margin between the circle layers

act_mapper dict

Map each molecule to a dictionary of activity

Source code in datamol/viz/
def __init__(
    center_mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
    circle_mols: List[List[Chem.rdchem.Mol]],
    legend: str = None,
    mol_size: Tuple[int, int] = (200, 200),
    circle_margin: int = 50,
    act_mapper: dict = None,
    """Show molecules in concentric rings, with one molecule at the center

        center_mol: Molecule at center
        circle_mols: List of molecule for each concentric circle around the center mol
        mol_size: Tuple of width and height for each molecule
        circle_margin: Margin between the circle layers
        act_mapper: Map each molecule to a dictionary of activity
    self.circle_mols = circle_mols
    self.circle_count = len(self.circle_mols)
    self.legend = legend or ""
    self.margin = circle_margin
    self.center_mol = center_mol
    self.mol_size = mol_size
    size = (max(mol_size) + self.margin) * (self.circle_count + 1)
    self.size = size
    self.image ="RGBA", size=(size, size), color=(255, 255, 255, 0))
    self.midpoint = size // 2
    self.draw = None
    self.act_mapper = act_mapper or {}

circle_grid(center_mol, circle_mols, legend=None, mol_size=(200, 200), circle_margin=50, act_mapper=None)

Show molecules in concentric rings, with one molecule at the center


Name Type Description Default
center_mol Mol

Molecule at center

circle_mols List[List[rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol]]

List of molecule for each concentric circle around the center mol

mol_size Tuple[int, int]

Tuple of width and height for each molecule

(200, 200)
circle_margin int

Margin between the circle layers

act_mapper dict

Map each molecule to a dictionary of activity

Source code in datamol/viz/
def circle_grid(
    center_mol: Chem.rdchem.Mol,
    circle_mols: List[List[Chem.rdchem.Mol]],
    legend: str = None,
    mol_size: Tuple[int, int] = (200, 200),
    circle_margin: int = 50,
    act_mapper: dict = None,
    """Show molecules in concentric rings, with one molecule at the center

        center_mol (Chem.Mol): Molecule at center
        circle_mols (list of list of <Chem.Mol>): List of molecule for each concentric circle around the center mol
        mol_size (tuple, optional): Tuple of width and height for each molecule
        circle_margin (int, optional): Margin between the circle layers
        act_mapper (dict): Map each molecule to a dictionary of activity
    return MolsCircleGrid(center_mol, circle_mols, legend, mol_size, circle_margin, act_mapper)